Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Maze Runner by James Dashner

I’m surprised I found the time to get this done, but I spent the first two blocks in of the last day for this semester trying to finish it, and I closed it just before the bell rang for lunch. I have my Math and English provincials on Monday and Tuesday. Still need to study for those. Oooh well. Tomorrow. Maybe.

Just like most of the other Gladers, Thomas woke up in a dark metal box – without any memories of his past life, or any idea where he was. But this is no news – once every month another boy is delivered to the Maze, and they have adjusted accordingly. But the day after Thomas arrives, the Box is occupied once again. By a girl. That isn’t the only thing that’s going to change in the Glade. As more and more piles onto Thomas’s shoulders, the more determined he is to find the pattern of the maze – and the closer he is to helping all of the Gladers find a way to escape.

This book received a lot of positive reviews, and were nominated by the Teen Read Awards for having the Best Hero. I think that this novel should have been the winner! Thomas is a character that you can’t help admire as you continue reading through this book. His determination to solve the maze and his constant curiosity about everything around him made this book 10 times more fun to read. You feel his frustration and you hurt with him when he’s upset.

The setting of the Glade, and the terrifying creatures called Grievers that roam outside the doors at night only add the mysterious ways of the Maze. As you slowly put together how everything works, you’re also secretly falling in love with every single aspect of the life in the Glade and the complete story.

Holding a final battle worth re-reading and a hero that is hard to compare, James Dashner did an awesome job with The Maze Runner, and I can’t wait to read The Scorch Trials. Check out his website, (it has a cool opening thing, and a really fun maze game.) And I’ll give this one a 4/5. An awesome book! 4

Later Cheese Graters,


1 comment:

  1. I honestly thought that the book was relatively well written. There were parts that i thought were really boring, but then it went back to being interesting. I recomend it if you have the ability to power through boring parts and enjoy science fiction/ apacoliptic scenarios.
