Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Lightning Thief – Rick Riordan

Hello! Took me a long time to read this book, even though it was pretty short, and interesting, I have just been super busy lately. A lot going on with my family and school and such. Anyways, I just came on here to say….DON’T WATCH THE BOX. It really sucks, and it doesn’t make sense. That’s all….bye for now! Have a nice day.

Juuuuuuust kidding!        I know, I’m so funny.

  Percy Jackson was never a normal kid, his learning disabilities kept him moving from school to school and never making too many friends. But just when he thought things were finally working out for him, he learns that his persistent Latin teacher wasn’t working him hard for nothing, and that maybe the god’s of Olympus are more than just a myth.

After discovering more and more about his past, and that normal was exactly the opposite of what he was, Percy must train and rely on his strength and will to help him complete his quest and stop a war from breaking out between the gods.


Now, I know that this probably written for a younger audience then mine, but if there was supposed to be a mystery about who Percy’s dad is, then it didn’t work at all. I guess it might be because my comprehension level is high or something, but I figured out who his dad was in the first chapter, the 10th page. I mean, the title is ‘Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ it’s obviously about the Greek Gods, and when it said that ‘the water grabbed her’ then it was obvious that he was some how related to some sort of sea god. So at the camp when they were having such a hard time trying to figure out who is father could be….it was unrealistic, and a bit hard to read.

This book would be great for any fantasy fans, and of course, for anybody who is interested in Greek Mythology and The Gods of Olympia. Not much romance, but I can definitely see some sort of Love Hate relationship going on between the two main characters. I know this is only the first book….and there are five or six more or something….BUT SOMETHING IS GOING ON THERE, probably will develop through the series.

The ending was actually pretty good, but the very ending was kind of disappointing…..but I guess it was kind of a surprise too….but then it wasn’t a surprise (GAAAH, I can’t decide) Sorry for spoiling, but he has to choose between staying at the camp, or going home with his mother for the school year. And you would think that he had learned his lesson, that he was important and he needed to train because anything could happen but NO, he decides on the last page that he wants to pack and go live with his mother…..like I said, kind of disappointing.

After Percy got his prophecy from the Oracle, about a friend betraying him the end, I would think that he would be a bit more paranoid through his whole quest, about his friends betraying him, but no, he doesn’t even think of that again until his quest is over and he’s back safe at home. That seemed a bit weird for me, but that might be because I’m a paranoid person in general. :D

I’ll be honest with you, there is not much else to complain about in this novel. The story was really great, and I enjoyed the style of writing a lot. There was enough going on to keep you interested and even thought the mysteries were kind of obvious, it was really fun to read. I recommend this book! Now, I know that there is a movie, and I started reading this when it came out in theaters…..I really want to see it now! Apparently it’s super good.

Anywho, time for the rating!4 Star Rating

Which I give a solid 4 out of 5.       

Nice work Rick Riordan, you have pleased me greatly.

HeeeeeeeHeeeee, I have to do my homework now….because all of my grades are dropping like cherry bombs (wth?) Sorry that the other one was longer than this one, I guess I was in one of those crazy –I need to write about this story NOW- kind of moods.

OH! One more thing, I said that I would be doing some sort of mentioning really good pieces of writing once a week….or whenever I find one….well, you guessed it! I found one! (Hooray) Please check it out, you’ll thank me for it after you read it! Car Crash Like A Disco

Chow for now,


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Devouring – Simon Holt

This is my first book review……so please don’t shrink and die because of how bad or inexperienced it is….because I am inexperienced. I’m just hoping the more that I do this, the better I’m going to get. I’ll start with a small summery, and then go on to my thoughts on the book.

Reggie and her best friend Aaron are two teens that can’t get enough of all different types of horror books, movies and television shows. So when they find an old journal in the book store where Reggie works, they don’t think much of the insane entries - written about inhuman beings called vours that can invade human bodies and control their mind and soul.But after a cold night in the winter solstice, Reggie’s little brother –Henry, starts acting completely different, and it doesn’t take long for Reggie to figure out a vour had inhabited him.

Aaron and Reggie must work together to learn more about the mysterious author and search for a way to extract the vour that lives inside of Henry…..without killing him first.

I have to admit, that horror is not the genre I usually read, but I did feel that there was definitely some things that I can mention and even criticize.

In every book, no matter what genre, there is always a part that has some down time. There is always one little moment where the main character breaks down, or tells what they’re feeling, or kisses their beloved. Even the most action-packed movie has some scene where you can relax, and not worry about some car blowing up in the background. But in this book, I found that there was no time where things were somewhat normal, where the main character talked about something normal. It was always going on and on, without a break. Even when Aaron and Reggie are just talking in one of their bedrooms, it’s always about the vours and how they plan to catch it. The only break that I noticed, (after the plot developed) was when Reggie got knocked out.

Now, for any romance fans out there….those kind that only read books with romance, and the ones that get frustrated when nothing even slightly romantic happens between two characters. Well, then I suggest you don’t read this. Even though there is obviously some sort of connection between Reggie and Aaron, and they care for each other, they don’t talk about how they feel except for the occasional ‘I’m worried about Henry’ or ’I’m scared.’ I guess to me that was a little bit of a disappointment….but like I mentioned before this is my first horror book in a while. (Maybe a bad choice for my first review)

Time for the compliments! The idea was original and very interesting, and the descriptions were so detailed, that I actually started to feel unsafe! Especially at parts where it was describing fears that the characters had that I was scared of too. All of the senses were captured really well, and I could zone into the story without two much trouble. The characters were likeable – which is good, and I guess that overall it was a good book (not a waste of time)

3.5 Star Rating I give it a 3.5 out of 5.


The Devouring on Wiki <—More information –> Official Website

Comparable to books by R.L. Stine and Stephen king…A must-read for horror fans” –School Library Journal

A scary yarn spun at breakneck speed, perfect for those chilly winter nights” –Kirkus

Irresistible” –The Bulletin

If you have read the book, and you would like to add something, or you disagree with me, then just comment! I’ll shall reply. Also, if you have any book suggestions for me, then just do the same. Thank you for reading.

Chow for now!


You May Have Noticed,….

That I have deleted all of my old posts and added new things….and changed a few things, and that this is my first post since at least the end of October. And the reason for that is because when have so many different blogger accounts and emails (because of school and personal reasons) that I just couldn’t remember which email I used, and which password.

I was going to make a completely new blog, but it said that my email was already being used for this one, so then I FOUND IT. Yes! So, why a completely new blog you say? Because one; I’m not really interested in recording the ‘exciting’ moments in my life, or something that happened to me, because that’s boring. And two; I just wanted to try something different, something that I can practice and get better at and then use that as a tool later on.

SO, finally to my conclusion, this blog is now going to be used for book reviews. Maybe comic reviews, and any really amazing short stories or poems that I end up reading. Basically, anything that I read, that is long enough and has enough point, I will talk about on here. I was also thinking of having just kind of a feature of my favorite poetry pieces that I find on dA….and that might happen every two or three weeks, or whenever i find something that's worth talking about. As for the reviews, that will happen every time I finish a novel.

That is all the news I have!

Chow for now,