Sunday, February 27, 2011

Virals by Kathy Reichs

I’m pretty sure that I missed last week, but this is a really busy time of year for me so yeah. My 3 followers can deal with it anyway. XD I’m getting excited with my process on my bookshelf, this whole book a week thing is sort of making it a lot easier to finish all these books. I like setting goals for myself. If there is a rule where I have to finish something, I feel like I have to get it done. So here we go ladies and gents.

 Tory Brennan had always been adventurous – it runs in her blood. But sometimes, it isn’t such a good thing. After the things start to go wrong on Loggerhead Island, and she finds a mysterious dog tag deep within the island forests, Tory can’t help but investigate. Caught up in a serious cold case – complete with tails and guns and very large hitmen – the gang has no way of getting out. But that isn’t the only odd thing happening, after rescuing a wolfdog pup infected with a weird disease, Tory and her friends experience weird flares of extremely enhanced senses. Now, together… they are VIRAL.

The first thing that I really liked about this book was the foreshadowing affect at the beginning. It really worked out for me with the style of writing. Sometimes it gets annoying with other books, but it blended in well with everything that was happening in Virals.

I think that they could have worked a bit more on the main character’s personality and background. At the beginning it touches base on how her mother died and that’s why she was living with Kit, and it seemed like they were going to keep going with that thread, and maybe tell the background story later. But then nothing came up. I mean, I could tell that Tory was a curious person who couldn’t let a mystery remain unsolved, but I felt there should have been just a little more to her character.

I don’t feel like there is anything that really stood out about this book. I liked it, and I enjoyed reading it and the plotline was good. But when I closed it I thought, ‘Okay, time for the next book.’ Something I did like though was how much room the author left for a sequel. I know that something else must be coming up, and maybe in the next book Reichs will tell us a little more about Tory and what happened in the past.

So. A good 3 out of 5 will do it for moi. Have a great week everybody. 3

Here is a website, as per usual. Smile with tongue out I sort of like having a routine on here. Easier to follow what’s going on. And here is a link of you want to look at just the Virals series. It has a cool opening with a lighthouse and this interactive thing. FUN FUN FUN.

Later Cheese Graters,


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

SO. I understand that this is just a tad late… but I have spend the last week with a program called Encounters with Canada and I was in Ottawa for a week in the Terry Fox Center, along with 130 other people from all over Canada. But yeah, it’s been busy and I’ve been trying to catch up with stuff so that is what’s happening. >:)

After the being shoved into a world of demons and other downworlders, Clary is dealing with things surprisingly well considering everything that is going on around her. But as Valentine’s plan starts to become clearer, and important people in the Clave can’t be trusted to follow the law, bad things start to happen one after the other – and something has to be done. While Jace is deciding who’s side he’s on, and Simon is going through a transformation that will change his whole life, Clary is still trying to find a way to wake up her mother – and make sure to defeat Valentine once and for all.

I have to say a few thing about this book. I really enjoyed it, and I love this one just like I loved the first one, but that comes with some of the same problems. I remember last time saying things about how it was a little bit too full of descriptions and that sort of thing… well the writing style didn’t really improve for this book. I kept on getting distracted because of the amount of describing that was going on – especially in the actions scenes.

I don’t know… it might be because I was tired and just reading this book because I had nothing better to do, but I felt like the plot didn’t really develop all that much. I mean, it was interesting and engaging but almost just a middle sort of thing before the next book (which is pretty much what it was.) But still… I don’t know.

There was one thing that I have always loved about the first book that continued onto this one. Which was the constant romance problems going on between the characters… I think that was the root of my interest level, because honestly, there was parts in that book that were just amazing to read.

Amazing novel, amazing series, AS ALWAYS. Don’t mind my grump.4

Yeah, I was going to put 3.5 but I settled for 4. Open-mouthed smile So, here is the website as usual.