Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Dangerous Days of Daniel X by James Patterson

Ahhhh, how I love James Patterson. I suggest that you all go and read one of his books..RIGHT NOW. He really is an amazing writer, and he writes for all different age groups. Anyways, I really liked this book, even though it was quite short. But that’s okay because I’m sure there is at least seven other books that come after this one.

 Daniel’s parents were brutally murdered when he was three by a cruel alien, end ever since he has vowed to hunt it down and kill it – along with many other aliens on his parents list.

When he meets up with Number 6, an alien named Ergent Seth, Daniel underestimates the alien’s powers and get’s kidnapped and taken away from the beloved planet earth – back to a mysterious planet that that used to beautiful but that was now almost destroyed.

After learning that this planet was where he was born, and the people that were being attacked could be his cousins and aunties, Daniel has to figure out away to defeat the dreadful Seth, and preserve this strange planet, as well as planet Earth.

This is another book that was a really made for a younger age group, even if the main character is 15, the thoughts of him are very….childish. And it was very quick paced, and didn’t dwell any concepts that you may consider vital in the story….but that is just the authors style and I think that it suited this novel.

It wasn’t that this book wasn’t interesting, because it was an interesting plot line and a fine idea. I don’t know how many other book are in this series, but I hope that they maybe he puts a little more effort into his this story, It just seems poorly thought out and sort of rushed, but again, I don’t know what point in his career he wrote this….just saying though.

It might be hard for people to relate the the main character, because he doesn’t show his feelings very well, even though it’s in first person…..and most people’s parents haven’t died. (But I guess that’s not a valid point.)

I don’t really know what else to day about this book, it’s another one that I could read pretty easily but I have neutral feelings for it. Sooooo, 3 ….hmmmm not 2.5. NO 3. :D

3 Star Rating

That is all!

Chow for now,


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Soulless – Christopher Golden

Aye Aye Aye. Just to let all of you guys now….I’m watching CSI New York right now, and it’s getting preeeeeetty intense – ope, here comes the touching part. Awwwww, how sad. :}    If you’re wondering why I’m going on and on about something random like CSI New York…. well, it’s because this book WAS TERRIBLE. (Sorry to flame and cause havoc) But I couldn’t even get halfway through the book – it was that boring.

Okay, I know it’s summery time….but I just can’t. There are too many characters that all live in different cities – and most don’t even know the other characters or have any relationships with others. Of course – I didn’t finish the whole book, so I don’t know if everything is tied together at the end, but WOW.

Okay, that didn’t really explain the book/. XD       But, it is about zombies. Zombies that are being driven by dead people’s spirits…..but not their souls – thus the title Soulless. It starts out with a major séance that makes all dead rise (especially in the New York area) and basically go nuts at people because they are ‘empty’ ; lacking souls.

I don’t even know what else to say…… the writing style is just bleh, and overall, I just found it extremely boring. I guess if your a total zombie supporter, you won’t find it that bad. (I did borrow this book from my zombie loving friend) Kind of the opposite of most books….which sometimes start out slow and get better – this one seems to be more interesting at the beginning, because your not used to it…..and then it just get’s worse and worse and I just started looking at it on my shelf and feeling this dread.

WARNING, if you ever feel that dread after reading half of a book; then don’t bother reading the rest, just move on to the next book. I apologize for the shortness of this review, but I am sorta busy lately…..and I just wanted to get this book up here before I returned it my friend.

I give it a 1 out of 5…. (for the…idea?) 1 Star Rating

La la la. Chow for Now,


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Bliss by Lauren Myracle

How was everybody’s Easter? Mine was okay. :D But, because my spring break is the on the same week, I got lots of time off to read books and write book reviews. The new Vampire Diaries book is out….AND I AM SO EXCITED! I can’t wait to read. But, unluckily for you guys, I only do book reports on the first book of the series (if there is a series) and I read the first one to long ago, so no book review for you! But, I very muchly recommend it. ;)

Anyways, about this author. The only other books that I have read by her is that horrid series about theses three teenagers and their life. I think there are three books right now and they are called TTYL, TTFN, and something else that i don’t remember. It was in the format of IM messages and it was really boring. I hated that series, BUT I decided to give her another try and I liked this one a lot, it was a really interesting horror.

 Bliss grew up on a commune with both of her parents, she never expected much, and she never got much, but when she goes to live with her high society grandmother, her life as a ‘hippie’ is falls behind her.

Standing out in a Christian school and trying hard to beware of the vision her old friend Flying V told her about, Bliss learns what it’s like to be pampered and groomed, with her every possible need and want fulfilled. But Bliss has a sort of sixth sense, and it’s telling her that something very terrible has happened in the school, and something terrible was going to happen again.


This book is set around 1960’s with hippies and with some people still secretly racist. This book didn’t start out slow at all, it got right into the school, and right into how different Bliss’ childhood was compared to all of the people attending the preppy Christian school. I don’t think the writing style was unique, but that’s okay because it made it easier to read and understand.

I don’t know what to make of this book. It says that it’s a horror, and there are definitely scary parts in it, including stuff about blood magic, sacrifices, and chilling murder. You kind of don’t know where it’s heading, and the ending is pretty bad….well really bad. At first, there is nothing horror-like about the story, but then it starts to get weird. with the voices that Bliss hears when she goes into different parts of the school. Then it goes back to normal –about Bliss and her friends and the things they do as teenage girls- and then it goes into racism and the horror near the end.

I found that I actually liked all that kind of jumpiness. It really kept you on your toes, you know, kept things interesting, and say if you were the type of reader that got bored of one subject easily, then it was nice how it changed around all the time.

The character development in this book is extraordinary. Honestly, Bliss is such a realistic character, and this book really captures how much a person can change because of their environment. Lauren Myracle gets five stars for her character Bliss, I am truly blown away, (and very jealous) of her skills in this category.Bliss’ thought process changes drastically from the beginning of the book to the end, her whole personality –everything- it all changes, and this is one of the main points in the story.

Wow, I’m surprised, there is not too much bad stuff I could get from this book, and usually I have tons of criticism…..((that means it’s a good novel)) just to let you know.

But, because of the ending, I’m going to have to give this a 4.5 4.5 Star Rating

“Classic horror conventions…suspenseful thriller…a troubling mystery surrounding a student’s death many years prior.” – Kirkus Reviews

'” Sure to cause goose bumps all the way to the dramatic and surprising end.” – School Library Journal

Go read this book! That is an order by the way. I may not have a book review for a while, school and stuff. You know how it is….or not.

If you want to visit Lauren Myracle’s site, for upcoming books and contest, go here.

Chow for now.


Double Identity by Margaret Peterson Haddix

I read this in one night, it was obviously written for grade 5’s and 6’s, but I really liked Margret Peterson Haddix, so I just had to read this when I found it on my friends bookshelf. I don’t know if you have read any of her other more well known books, but she wrote The Shadow Children Series, and also one of my personal favorites, Running Out of Time.

Anyways, on with the description.

Bethany has always been her parents little treasure. So when they start acting strange and Bethany finds her at an Aunt’s house that she didn’t even know, suspicion sets in easily. Nobody will tell her what is going on, her parents have fled and refuse to talk to her, and her ‘Aunt’ keeps calling her Elizabeth – another mystery which Bethany doesn’t understand.

Trying to understand who she is, and what exactly her parent’s have neglected to tell her, Bethany pries and pries, and she finds out that what she is told, isn’t what she wanted to hear at all. 

I was very impressed and frustrated with this book. I don’t know what genre it was supposed be, because I don’t think mystery or suspense would do it justice. This is kind of weird book….I don’t know if it’s just Margret Peterson Haddix’s style of writing, (because I haven’t read her novels for quite some time) but I had a kind of neutral opinion on this book, and a neutral reaction. While I was reading it, I wasn’t really enjoying it….but I didn’t think it was bad either. I think it might be the writing combined with the boring plotline, but I don’t know.

The ending and beginning were both kind of crappy, I wasn’t happily reading either of them. The middle chunk line is the interesting part, so if your planning to read it then be prepared for a random beginning and a purse-da-lips- ending. And that kind of sucks because those are the most important parts! If you have a good beginner and ender then you can just do random stuff and fill in the space between. Nonononooo, don’t ever do that. ALWAYS have your climax. :D

The main character was a twelve or thirteen year old girl who did not think like a girl that age. I guess the author made it so Bethany was intelligent, but you didn’t get enough into her mind, or her behavior for the story to be good in first person. I couldn’t like or dislike Bethany as a character because it never focused on what she was really like, or her behavior (besides the fact that she was sort of spoiled because of her parents). Anyways, I think it would have been better in third person, to say the least.

There were many things left un-explained by the ending. Like why her mother was  calling her Elizabeth on the phone, – which would have fit fine in the story, except for the fact that at the end her mother is just fine, not crying and calling her by her real name. I mean, this is the type of story that you don’t know what the hell is going on until the middle or the end of the story, and by then it has revealed enough things that the reader can just piece everything together. But this story leaves a lot of questions unanswered, and a lot of mysteries unsolved, which is also frustrating.

There isn’t a certain point in the book that is really hard to read through, it at least keeps you turning the pages, but I suggest taking at least a couple breaks, because you might get bored of it, I kept on going downstairs to bring back up cookies while I was reading it….. but you know, that’s probably just me.

On a good note, the idea was interesting, and things were plotted out pretty well, I really liked the Aunt’s daughter, she was a likeable character that seemed more realistic than Bethany herself. Again, this was probably written for a younger age group…..(12 year olds) I’m going to give you a break Margaret and blame the simplicity on that. XD

“A suspenseful page-turner.” – Publishers Weekly

“Gripping and Compelling.” – Kirkus Reviews

“A twisting plot and spine-tingling creepiness.” - VOYA

I will give this book a plain 3. because I do believe that it’s balanced and neutral.3 Star Rating


You can visit Margret Peterson Haddix’s site here.

Sorry for the delay on this one, but I will have another on up as soon as two or three days, because I am a magician, thanks for asking. *wink*

Chow for now,