Friday, August 27, 2010

Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen

Hola. A great thunder and lightning storm just hit where I live, so I had a bit of a delay getting on to this thing BUT it was very much worth it because the thunder and lightning were amazing. I’ve always loved storms, I apologize to those people who are scared of them (I also feel deeply sorry for you) but YOU’RE CRAZY. I just don’t get how people can’t love storms! Anyways, enough of storms let’s get on with it. Oh,I don’t really know how to explain this book well and I’m lazy you get it straight from the back this time.

“Orphaned and penniless at the height of the Depression, Jacob Jankowoski escapes everything he knows by jumping on a passing train – and inadvertently runs away with the circus. Thrown into the chaos of a second rate traveling show, Jacob is adrift in a world of freaks, swindlers, and misfits. Jacob uses his veterinary skills in the circus menagerie and becomes a savior for the animals he so loves, including a baffling elephant named Rosie. He also comes to know Marlena, the enchanting star of the equestrian act – and wife of August, a charismatic but cruel animal trainer. Caught between his love for Marlena and his need for belonging, Jacob is freed only by a murderous secret that will bring the big top down.”  - Sara Gruen

I couldn’t find one bad thing about this book, it really was unforgettable. The writing style was flawless and the setting was perfect… everything was just woven so neatly together! I loved how it went back and forth between when Jacob was in his 90’s and when he was remember himself when he was 20. It was just so fun to read, I honestly couldn’t put it down. When I wasn’t reading it I could do nothing but think about it, and it made me a little bit grumpy when somebody tore me away from reading it.

The best part about this novel is that it mixes realistic history with a story of just another one of those guys behind the scenes. The mood swings in the book are almost as bad as August’s but they really make you feel the tone. I mean, the attitude of this book just constantly changed and that’s one of the reasons it was so interesting.

It doesn’t matter what type of book you normally enjoy, this story has a little bit of everything for everybody. I recommend this book, if fact, read it as soon as you can! You won’t regret it. A solid 5/5 on this one. 5


There is a movie coming out, with Reese Witherspoon and Robert Pattison if you’re more of a movie type of person… so I am going to provide a nice video to make up for my lack of type.

And here is Sara Gruen’s website if you want more of her. She’s a real animal lover

Later Cheese Graters!


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