Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

Howdy! The end of summer is coming up fast – and I can’t keep up. I have too many books to finish before school starts up and I know that once that happens I’ll have little to no time to read. I really ought to get reading, but sometimes it’s hard to jump right out of a book and into the next. I sometimes need a break in between to digest the story and other things like that. Any who

“Her name is Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. And she was fourteen when she murdered on December, 6th 1973.” Biding her time in heaven – while watching her family struggle to keep together in their overwhelming grief. Susie longs to push against the barriers that hold her apart from earth as the lives of her killer and her loved ones unfold in front of her eyes. There is nothing but she can do except for hope, and observe… but will she ever be able to feel at peace? Not with never ending events that Susie can witness while sitting in her heaven, trying constantly to contact or become a part of earth again.

I haven’t read a book like this before, and I thought that the perspective of Susie – a girl who died and is telling her story from heaven – was a whole new way to write a novel. I can be pleased with something besides fantasy, and I thought that this story was told beautifully. The horrifying idea of getting a young girl getting raped and then murdered, should be told realistically, and all of Susie’s memories were intertwined into the story line so that you could read them smoothly and they would be registered in your memory in just the right time and place. Brilliant.

I also like how Sebold used one of the climax’s of the story as the opening line, which really pulled you in. It also got me wondering what the rest of the book was going to be filled up with if the first couple chapters hold the murder in them. But this is a book more about a family’s struggle after their daughter is murdered instead of a story about a girl who got raped and murdered. I don’t know, it’s sort of both things.

Then again, this isn’t my favorite type of story and because it’s my review I can do what I want! So in the end, I give it a 3.5/5. 3.5

There is not official website it seems… so here is a nice wiki page for you lot. I tried to look for some sort of video to entertain you, but no such luck, so GO SEE THE MOVIE.

Chow Mr Cow,


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