A romance novel! A sight to see, huh? Yeah, it wasn’t bad – even though I don’t particularly like romance novels….at all. Ever. Anyways, it was kind of boring and interesting at the same time…..but we’ll get to that later. Forgive me, but this book is far to complicated to make my own summary, so I’m going to put what is on the back of the book.
“When Henry meets Clare, he is twenty eight and she is twenty. Henry has never met Clare before; Clare has known Henry since she was six. Impossible but true, because Henry finds himself displaced in time, pulled to moments of emotional gravity from his life, past and future. Henry and Clare’s attempts to live normal lives are threatened by a force they can neither prevent nor control making their passionate love story intensely moving and entirely unforgettable. A story of fate, hope and belief, and more than that, the power of love to endure beyond the bounds of time.” - Audrey Niffenegger
To start this nice little review off, I just want to say that I have never taken a liking to romance novels. I find stories that are just about people falling in love, and them telling about their lives – is extremely boring to read. As a fantasy lover, it’s hard when books don’t have the spy, or the dragon, or something to keep things interesting. But I think that you can concur that from the title of the book, and the summery – this book isn’t about an ordinary couple falling in love and trying to be happy. I mean, this may be a romance novel, but the whole time traveler things made it fun to read, and as you should know that is something that is important to me. ;)
When Clare was working on her art, and the author when in to way to much detail that I had to skim, or I was reading it but it was going out one ear. That only happened two times though, so it isn’t bad at all. It was hard when you first started and you were trying to understand what all the dates meant and what was going on, because he does flash between the past, present, and future (he is a time traveler after all.). My advice is just to ignore the dates, just see how old each of the characters are and move on. All of the flashing back and forth starts to make sense, and it pieces together quite brilliantly near the end.
The thing about this book, is that it’s engaging, very well written, and everything is realistic and well placed. But it is still about this same old same old: lovers meeting parents, and then getting married, and then trying to have a baby at least seven times ( heh heh ). My point is, if you decide to read this and you’re still not sure that you like romance novels, then you might find it extremely boring. It is an emotional story though, especially near the end. SNIFF, I almost cried, (almost)
I will give this novel a, 3.5 because it was good.
This story was published in 2003, and I believe that Niffenegger has a brand new story out. (Her second one.) So, here is her website if you chickarees want to check it out! http://audreyniffenegger.com/ Sorry for being short!
Chow Mr. Cow,
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