Hmmm. Summer summer summer = reading reading reading. So be prepared! It's just a warning. >:] This is the series that I stopped reading because I liked 'Marked' better, but that actually wasn't the case by the end of this book. OH and lucky for you guys, this book had three volumes in it, so now you actually do get more than just the first part. How nice.
Tal has always lived in a world of darkness, and it has never been any different for him. He goes to the Lectorium like all the other good little boys and he learns the ways of the Chosen and how to pay proper respect. But when his father goes missing and his mother gets sick, Tal makes a decision that will test both his beliefs and knowledge. He climbs one of his towers to get a powerful Sunstone to save him and his family, but he is cornered by a dangerous guard, and falls off the tower - outside of the castle, and into a strange icy world.
With no food, water, or strength. Tal has to figure out a way to get back into the castle, and save his family from the destiny that they face.
I’m going to tell you this right off the bat – this series starts extremely slow. Because this is a whole new world, that is really hard to understand, there is a lot of explaining things and learning how the characters live and thing and what they believe. I was so confused during most of the first volume that I had to take a break before starting again. Another things that made the whole book a bit hard to read was the amount of creatures or monsters that the main characters encountered. The author made very detailed descriptions and it was hard to follow along, because while reading you’re trying to relate to the animals that we have in out world. It throws you off.
The writing style wasn’t outstanding, but it was pretty good. I don’t think that Garth Nix is the kind of author that focuses on his style of writing, he just tries to get the point across and that’s obviously one of the important things too.
Okay, now for the praise. The world that the author imagined and wrote about is amazing. I absolutely am in love with the way the people there live, and how two types of people see each other because of their ancestors stories. When you read this, you will definitely wonder about how it would feel to be there, living how they lived and seeing what they see. Throughout the first three volumes, things start to connect and you learn more and more until the point of excitement! I’m jealous that he created this world…..and that I didn’t.
This book was pretty darn good, and I actually am going to go out and look for the next three volumes. (Once I finish the other twenty or so book sitting on my shelf.) I’m really serious about a lot of reading this summer!!!
I will give this a 3.5 (It would have been higher but the first part was bleeeh.) Check out this guys website….it has writing advice and a list of his books and stuff. PRETTY cool. Oh, and before I go, I have one questions. Does my usual, ‘Chow for now’ annoy you? Because when I read it I get really irritated.
Chow Mr. Cow,
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