Wednesday, March 10, 2010

You May Have Noticed,….

That I have deleted all of my old posts and added new things….and changed a few things, and that this is my first post since at least the end of October. And the reason for that is because when have so many different blogger accounts and emails (because of school and personal reasons) that I just couldn’t remember which email I used, and which password.

I was going to make a completely new blog, but it said that my email was already being used for this one, so then I FOUND IT. Yes! So, why a completely new blog you say? Because one; I’m not really interested in recording the ‘exciting’ moments in my life, or something that happened to me, because that’s boring. And two; I just wanted to try something different, something that I can practice and get better at and then use that as a tool later on.

SO, finally to my conclusion, this blog is now going to be used for book reviews. Maybe comic reviews, and any really amazing short stories or poems that I end up reading. Basically, anything that I read, that is long enough and has enough point, I will talk about on here. I was also thinking of having just kind of a feature of my favorite poetry pieces that I find on dA….and that might happen every two or three weeks, or whenever i find something that's worth talking about. As for the reviews, that will happen every time I finish a novel.

That is all the news I have!

Chow for now,


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